SciBase Study Shows Nevisense Improves Biopsy Decisions for Dermatologists in the US and Germany

SciBase Study Shows Nevisense Improves Biopsy Decisions for Dermatologists in the US and Germany

SciBase Holding AB, a leading developer of augmented intelligence-based solutions for skin disorders announced , that an article comparing US and German dermatologists improved biopsy decisions following the addition of Nevisense (EIS) as a decision support tool was recently published in SKIN, the Journal of Cutaneous Medicine. The article compares two corresponding studies, one conducted in the US and one in Germany, with the aim to evaluate how Nevisense (EIS) impacted dermatologist's biopsy decisions. The findings were that for both groups the addition of dermoscopy and even more so Nevisense (EIS) as decision support tools significantly improved biopsy decision accuracy. Findings revealed that American dermatologists had a higher rate of correct biopsy decisions for malignant melanomas (MMs) compared to their German counterparts. However, German dermatologists showed greater accuracy in avoiding unnecessary biopsies of benign pigmented skin lesions.

The article further discusses the potential reasons for this difference between the countries and that practice patterns, training, and malpractice concerns (especially in the US) may explain the higher biopsy rates of benign lesions in the US. These results underscore the utility of EIS as a complementary tool to dermoscopy, enhancing the accuracy of biopsy decisions and improving patient outcomes

"It is an interesting article showing the positive effects of adding Nevisense and EIS as a decision support tool. Cultural differences can also be seen between German and US physicians where US dermatologist's are more afraid to miss a melanoma and therefore have a higher biopsy rate while in Germany they try to avoid unnecessary biopsies. The key message is that Nevisense can secure a better decision for the patient," says Pia Renaudin, CEO of SciBase.